Saturday, February 25, 2012

Does anyone know any good jobs in cleveland?

I am a college student, who needs to earn some money. I go to a community college so I am unable to find a job on campus. Does anyone have any good suggestions on to where in cleveland I could apply for a job? Thanks! WHo ever finds a good site for jobs or knows a place, I will give u 10pts like that!Does anyone know any good jobs in cleveland?
I just recently moved to San Francisco and I'm having great luck finding job listings on Craig's List. You can even narrow it down to specific neighborhoods. Now if only there weren't hundreds of other people applying for the same position!

Good luck with your job searchDoes anyone know any good jobs in cleveland?
What type of experience do you have, what part of Cleveland, and what are you studying? I just recently moved to the Cleveland area and it took me a couple months to find a job. Craigslist is a decent site, but try searching Indeed where they search all the job boards (monster, careerbuilder) plus newspapers ads and so on. Also, careerboard is a local website. I found my job by going through the phone book and contacting every employer related to my field and was hired even though they weren't looking for anybody, just right time right place kind of thing. Best suggestion is to submit your resume to as many people as possible. It's like approaching girls, odds are if hit on enough of them one of them will say yes!

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