Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Can someone explain to me why Art Modell is one of the biggest sports villains in Cleveland?

This occurred to me after LeBron left Cleveland, but I looked up Art Modell since people kept mentioning him saying how LeBron took his place. But what exaclty did Art Modell do? I looked on the internet and say that he moved the Cleveland Browns to Baltimore? How did fans feel about that? Did he take away a football team from Cleveland or did he just move them away from the city?Can someone explain to me why Art Modell is one of the biggest sports villains in Cleveland?
Modell was considered a big traitor to Cleveland because he accepted an offer to move to Browns to Baltimore. The current Ravens were originally the Browns. It was a big deal, because Browns fans have always been loyal to their team -- unlike a lot of other situations where teams moved because there just wasn't enough support in the city they were in. Modell's move was viewed as pure greed and a huge betrayal of a loyal fanbase.

There was such an uproar that Modell had to agree to leave the Browns' team name, colors, and history intact in Cleveland for a new expansion team to use, even though the Browns franchise had moved to Baltimore.

I don't follow basketball, but I don't know why LeBron's leaving is such a big deal. It's not like the Cavaliers won any titles with LeBron.
Because he moved the beloved Browns to Baltimore. Hate to say it, but 4 years later they won a Super Bowl...might be something in the water in ClevelandCan someone explain to me why Art Modell is one of the biggest sports villains in Cleveland?
Art Modell is a smart business person. He understood that he would make more money and have a more successful franchise in Baltimore. He, like everybody else with better than a 3rd grad education, recognized that he had to get the hell out of Cleveland. The good citizens of Cleveland, being mostly retarded and stupid enough to take pride in the garbage dump they call home, got all pissed off at Modell because he was smart enough and wealthy enough to escape. Now LeBron has also done the same thing. He got out. He has made himself a better person by leaving Cleveland. The dirtbags that have been left behind are pissed off at LeBron and Art not because those two left but because they weren't invited to go along with them.

Cleveland is a dump. Ohio is a dump. And the resident rats just won't accept that.
Took the Browns away from a loyal and rabid fan base. To this day, he wouldn't be safe in Cleveland or anywhere in Northeastern Ohio...he'd probably be shot on a cop!

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