Sunday, February 19, 2012

What is the difference between Cleveland TA1 through TA7 irons?

I want to purchase a new set and really like Cleveland products. I am a 28m with a 10hcp. I'm not sure which of Tour Action irons would be best for me.|||the higher numbers are for higher handi's and lower for lower handi's. u can see the ta 5's and ta 7's have much wider soles than the ta 1's and 2's. ta 1's, 3's and 5's were produced before the 2's and 7's, so they are older models and should be cheaper. ta3's were for the mid handi's, ta 5's for high - oversized cavity backs. ta1's are the traditional blades, have different finishes such as gunmetal and chrome like the ta 3's and 5's. ta1's are for an everyday or scratch golfer.

then the ta 2's, 6's, 7's %26amp; 7 tours came out. 2's are for mid/low handi, 6's for high handi/ low swing speed, 7's for high/mid handi, and 7 tours for mid handi's.

my age and handi is similar to yours, i also was a former employee at a golf store for 8yrs so i had the opportunity to try the ta1's, 2's, 3's in gunmetal and chrome, 5's in satin and gunmetal, and 7's in tour and the regular. i'm not sure what your're looking for in an iron so i'll describe the irons that i've tried

ta1's - they are your typical muscle back blades. its center weighted i believe so less forgiving, much lower trajectory, meant for low low handi's. u can work the ball, feels the purest out of all the irons. ur mis hits are dramatically short. when i flush an 8 iron i hit it 150, when i mis hit, 125.

ta2's - these are probably something you might be interested in. they are cavity backs but they lean more towards a blade/musle back. it is perimeter weighted cuz of the cavity back, but its not as forgiving as an oversized cavity back like the ta7's, 5's, etc. however due to the less offset, u can work the ball a lil bit better and the feel is suprisingly good. since the weight isnt at the sole of the club, the trajectory is mid to low. i suggest either these or the ta7 tours

ta 3's and 5's - they are both decent irons, they are relatively cheap since they're closeouts. nothing special about them, the ta7's blew them away once they came out.

ta 7's and 7's tour - ta 7's are the oversized cavity backs and the tours are similar but a lil bit different. 7's are the the easy to hit, high trajectory, most amount of offsett out of the series. ur mis hits go almost just as far as ur flush shots. eventhough they are big cavity back cast irons, they still have quite a good feel to them.

ta7 tours have an unnoticeable smaller face than the ta 7's , lil less offset, and the trajectory is a lil bit lower due to the weight moving up slightly from the sole. ta 7 tours are another set of clubs u may want to try. not as pure as the ta2's but they are much easier to hit and the mis hits arent as bad.

ta6 - meant for high handi players who has a slow swing and in need of higher trajectory, i never tried them. they came after the ta 7's advertising as the easiest clubs to hit so they might have the most amt of offset.

ta 7 tours and ta 2's are the 2 i really liked. there are also the cg irons which i unfortunatly never tried either, i was out of the industry by then, but they got really good reviews so try those too. i heard they are made out of some new carbon metal that gave similar feel to forged on cast clubs. might be more expensive since they are the current models but worth trying out.

hope this helps and good luck finding the right set.

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